API Docs for: 0.3.0

File: lib/reporter.js

 Copyright (c) 2014, Yahoo! Inc.  All rights reserved.
 Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
var Report = require('./report'),
    configuration = require('./config'),
    inputError = require('./util/input-error');

 * convenience mechanism to write one or more reports ensuring that config
 * options are respected.
 * Usage
 * -----
 *      var fs = require('fs'),
 *          reporter = new require('istanbul').Reporter(),
 *          collector = new require('istanbul').Collector(),
 *          sync = true;
 *      collector.add(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('coverage.json', 'utf8')));
 *      reporter.add('lcovonly');
 *      reporter.addAll(['clover', 'cobertura']);
 *      reporter.write(collector, sync, function () { console.log('done'); });
 * @class Reporter
 * @param {Configuration} cfg  the config object, a falsy value will load the
 *  default configuration instead
 * @param {String} dir  the directory in which to write the reports, may be falsy
 *  to use config or global defaults
 * @constructor
 * @module main
function Reporter(cfg, dir) {
    this.config = cfg || configuration.loadFile();
    this.dir = dir || this.config.reporting.dir();
    this.reports = {};

Reporter.prototype = {
     * adds a report to be generated. Must be one of the entries returned
     * by `Report.getReportList()`
     * @method add
     * @param {String} fmt the format of the report to generate
    add: function (fmt) {
        if (this.reports[fmt]) { // already added
        var config = this.config,
            rptConfig = config.reporting.reportConfig()[fmt] || {};
        rptConfig.verbose = config.verbose;
        rptConfig.dir = this.dir;
        rptConfig.watermarks = config.reporting.watermarks();
        try {
            this.reports[fmt] = Report.create(fmt, rptConfig);
        } catch (ex) {
            throw inputError.create('Invalid report format [' + fmt + ']');
     * adds an array of report formats to be generated
     * @method addAll
     * @param {Array} fmts an array of report formats
    addAll: function (fmts) {
        var that = this;
        fmts.forEach(function (f) {
     * writes all reports added and calls the callback when done
     * @method write
     * @param {Collector} collector the collector having the coverage data
     * @param {Boolean} sync true to write reports synchronously
     * @param {Function} callback the callback to call when done. When `sync`
     * is true, the callback will be called in the same process tick.
    write: function (collector, sync, callback) {
        var reports = this.reports,
            verbose = this.config.verbose,
            handler = this.handleDone.bind(this, callback);

        this.inProgress = Object.keys(reports).length;

        Object.keys(reports).forEach(function (name) {
            var report = reports[name];
            if (verbose) {
                console.error('Write report: ' + name);
            report.on('done', handler);
            report.writeReport(collector, sync);
     * handles listening on all reports to be completed before calling the callback
     * @method handleDone
     * @private
     * @param {Function} callback the callback to call when all reports are
     * written
    handleDone: function (callback) {
        this.inProgress -= 1;
        if (this.inProgress === 0) {
            return callback();

module.exports = Reporter;