API Docs for: 0.3.0

File: lib/store/tmp.js

 Copyright (c) 2012, Yahoo! Inc.  All rights reserved.
 Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

var util = require('util'),
    path = require('path'),
    os = require('os'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
    Store = require('./index');

function makeTempDir() {
    var dir = path.join(os.tmpDir ? os.tmpDir() : /* istanbul ignore next */ (process.env.TMPDIR || '/tmp'), 'ts' + new Date().getTime());
    return dir;
 * a `Store` implementation using temporary files.
 * Usage
 * -----
 *      var store = require('istanbul').Store.create('tmp');
 * @class TmpStore
 * @extends Store
 * @module store
 * @param {Object} opts Optional.
 * @param {String} [opts.tmp] a pre-existing directory to use as the `tmp` directory. When not specified, a random directory
 *      is created under `os.tmpDir()`
 * @constructor
function TmpStore(opts) {
    opts = opts || {};
    this.tmp = opts.tmp || makeTempDir();
    this.map = {};
    this.seq = 0;
    this.prefix = 't' + new Date().getTime() + '-';

TmpStore.TYPE = 'tmp';
util.inherits(TmpStore, Store);

Store.mix(TmpStore, {
    generateTmpFileName: function () {
        this.seq += 1;
        return this.prefix + this.seq + '.tmp';

    set: function (key, contents) {
        var tmpFile = this.generateTmpFileName();
        fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, contents, 'utf8');
        this.map[key] = tmpFile;

    get: function (key) {
        var tmpFile = this.map[key];
        if (!tmpFile) { throw new Error('Unable to find tmp entry for [' + tmpFile + ']'); }
        return fs.readFileSync(tmpFile, 'utf8');

    hasKey: function (key) {
        return !!this.map[key];

    keys: function () {
        return Object.keys(this.map);

    dispose: function () {
        var map = this.map;
        Object.keys(map).forEach(function (key) {
        this.map = {};

module.exports = TmpStore;